Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veteran's Day

Thank you Veterans especially my dad my uncles, grandfather and my cousin for your service  fighting and Sacrificing in order to protect the Freedoms that many  us take for granted.  As Americans we need to remember the our Veterans everyday not just on Veterans Day freedom isn't free. It was paid many times over with blood, sweat, tears and many times the lives of our servicemen and women. 

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Nanowrimo week One

It's the end of of week one and I am actually a little bit a head at 14, 812 words. Making 30% done in my goal of 50,000 words. 

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Day one of Nanowrimo

Today is the first day Nanowrimo I am determined to actually "win" this year and finish 50,000 words towards the novel. Out of everything that I have outlined my chick lit idea had won out. It's the one that I am in the mood to write right now. It's the one that is fully outlined and the majority of the research I needed to do for it. It's a chick lit that I am looking forward to writing. The word count goal for today is at least 1667 which is what I need to write daily to stay on track. But hopefully I'll be able to write more  than that each day

Sunday, June 14, 2015

June update

I have hit a road block with three of my works in progress my pirate story, my WWII time travel story, and my historical fiction. With the pirate and WWII stories I have to take a break to do more research. The historical fiction based on my family tree it doesn't feel like it's the right time for me to work on it.
I have outlined all three of my teen fiction ideas.  I have also outlined my chick lit. I outlined my fairy tale retelling and started writing it. My romantic suspense is on the back burner because I still have writers block with that one.  My fairy tale retelling and chick lit seem to be promising.  I am having fun planning those two.

My co worker gave me an idea for a Pride and Prejudice retelling which I am going to have fun working with. Which also lead to an idea for a Persuasion retelling.  So we will see. 

Sunday, December 28, 2014

From a Poet's Heart Update.

When I started From a poet’s heart I had oringally planned to post my poems to this blog. But for know my poems are still too hard for me to share, however I feel like I am able to share information on my Works in progress while I work on getting them finished in hopes of one day getting them publish either through a publishing company or self publishing. At least that is the goal.

I have seven works in progress that are completely different they go across genres. I have a fairy tale retelling that combines a couple of fairy tales.

The next two are teen fiction that are companion novels. 

Then there are two historical fiction ones. One that is a pirate novel, the other is roughly based on events that happened in my family tree.

 Then I have a dual setting one, in which part of the book takes place now while the other takes place in Europe during WWII.  These three novels are going to keep me busy with research but as a history lover I love studying history and during research.

I also have a romantic suspense that I am working on.  That I kind of have writers block on right now. I also have another romance novel that was my Nanowrio book. However I got nowhere during November but I am still going to continue working on it until I actually finish it.